The advantages and characteristics of simulated bonsai

Simulation bonsai is a common simulation plant, which is a plant model that technicians make 1:1 replication according to the shape of the bonsai. The bonsai adopts glass fiber reinforced plastic resin tree pole structure, high-performance epoxy resin and glass fiber winding molding, the tree pole adopts national standard steel structure, and the leaves are…

Are artificial plants so mysterious?

The development of a city is inseparable from greening. The buildings made of reinforced concrete are tall, beautiful and lack a touch of human touch. The decoration of green plants makes the city’s vibrant mood instantly clear. We cannot live without green plants. What kind of green plants can persist in people’s vision during the…

Why choose artificial plants?

Everyone loves green plants, and simulation plants are strange and distant. The city is developing more and more, and the environment is getting worse and worse, making the new artificial plants rise up. In modern cities, you can see the decoration with artificial plants. Artificial plants have different poses and shapes. These forms are gifts…

Teach you to know the simulation potted plants

The simulation potted plant is a common simulation plant, which is a plant model that technicians make 1:1 replication according to the shape of the potted plant. Product Introduction The potted plants are made of glass steel resin tree pole structure, high-performance epoxy resin and glass fiber winding molding, the tree pole adopts national standard…

Placement of artificial flowers

1. Placed in the hallway The entrance is the first scenery for entry, and it is also a place that reflects the quality of life of the host. The artificial flowers placed in the entrance can play a finishing touch, allowing people to feel the comfort of home as soon as the door is opened.…

Development and application of artificial plants

Simulation is a kind of imitating the real thing, and the simulation plant is designed and manufactured by technicians imitating the shape of the plant, using high-simulation raw materials. The simulation plants are rich in varieties and complete in styles. Based on the concept of “green and environmental protection, simple and beautiful”, we strive to…

Simulation of plants against ultraviolet rays

Harm of UV Ultraviolet rays directly irradiate the skin, in addition to having a bactericidal effect, it also has the functions of adjusting and improving nerves, endocrine, digestion, circulation, breathing, blood, immune system and promoting the production of vitamin D. However, in recent years, people have gradually realized that excessive ultraviolet rays cause photochemical reactions,…

Simulation flower mix

The combination and combination of all things has a certain degree of coordination. Nature is a colorful world with a variety of colors. Therefore, the color matching is very important. Flowers need color matching, and artificial flowers need more. So how do the colors of the artificial flowers match? 1. There are two important colors…

Fake flower material commonly used in floral production

Floral art refers to the combination of flowers and materials to make them more pleasing to the eye through a certain technical technique. It expresses an artistic conception or macroscopic scene, reflecting the perfect combination of nature and people and the environment, forming a unique language of flowers for the viewers. Interpretation and perception. Floral…